Critical Art Writing Workshop

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About this
Critical Art Writing Workshop in Johannesburg
The ARAK Collection is inviting you to an intensive three-day Critical Art Writing Workshop during the Latitudes Art Fair, which will run from Friday, 24th May until Sunday, 26th May, 2024.
The workshop will be facilitated by Ashraf Jamal.
As a collaborative initiative of the ARAK Collection and Latitudes Online, the mainobjective is to produce a 1000–1200-word essay/review of an overall impression ofthe art fair or an assessment of artworks, or a booth. The purpose is to reflect thezeitgeist i.e., what the fair and or its chosen dealership or specific events/talksprogram signify.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide an interactive thinking/writingenvironment for gifted and ambitious art writers and cultural analysts, and todeepen a local, regional, continental and global understanding of art from Africa.The essays will be completed on the last day and will be promptly published on theLatitudes Online platform.
Participants are required to bring their own laptops (with chargers) for theworkshop, as well as smartphones for photographing exhibits and recordingstakeholder interviews. Notepads and pens will be provided.
Each day, participants will create a visual diary and reflective notes, which willinform their final essay. Photocopied reading materials will be provided ahead ofthe workshop, to be annotated and discussed during class sessions.
The daily schedule (24, 25 and 26 May 2024) will include:
1. Discussion of various texts on writing.
2. Group and/or independent visits to exhibitions and talks programmes.
3. Reporting back, discussing insights, and consolidating ideas.
On the last day, participants will be required to submit their complete edited essays (1000-1200 words) for prompt publication on Latitudes Online and
Application process and deadline:
Interested applicants (SA residents only) are invited to submit an art writing sample of max 500 words to
Deadline for submissions:
Monday, April 29th, 2024.