Joe Bukenya

Artist Name
Joe Bukenya
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About the Artist

Joe Bukenya, born in 1996 in the Masaka District, transitioned from a career in education to pursue his passion for art after graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Education from Kyambogo University. Choosing to express himself and contribute to society through his artwork, Bukenya began by painting and selling his creations to tourists in Masaka and Entebbe. His artistic journey took a significant turn when he met Collin Sekajugo, a renowned Ugandan Rwandan artist, who introduced Bukenya to an art program run through the Weaver Bird Arts Foundation.

Under Sekajugo's mentorship, Bukenya honed his skills and explored various art techniques, leading him to develop a distinctive style that he continues to refine. He enjoys experimenting with diverse mediums, including paper, ink, fabric, and found materials, which contribute to the uniqueness of his work. Bukenya's art is deeply inspired by the intricacies of human life—the way people interact, behave, communicate, and relate to their environment. This keen observation of the human condition and society is vividly reflected in his art, making his work not only a visual delight but also a commentary on the world around him.