Saïdou Dicko

Artist Name
Saïdou Dicko
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About the Artist

Saïdou Dicko, a self-taught visual maestro hailing from a Fulani Shepherd background, embarked on his artistic journey at the tender age of five, using the Sahel soils as his canvas to trace the shadows of his sheep. This early fascination with shadows has become the hallmark of his diverse portfolio, which spans photography, videography, installation, and painting. In 2005, Dicko ventured into photography and swiftly made his mark by securing a prize at the 2006 Dakar Biennial Off, merely six months after picking up the camera.

Dicko's art is a dialogue between contrasts, blending the starkness of black and white to explore themes of equality, unity, maternal love, freedom, and humanity. His innovative approach transforms mere forms into visual spectacles that encapsulate both the physical and psychological interplay of light and shadow.

His contributions to the art world have been celebrated internationally, with his works featured in numerous biennials, international fairs, and exhibitions. In 2012, Dicko co-founded "Rendez-Vous d’Artistes," a nomadic platform fostering dialogue among artists, curators, gallerists, art enthusiasts, and cultural journalists, often culminating in collaborative exhibition projects. Since 2013, he has also taken on roles as a curator and scenographer, particularly noted in Morocco.

Dicko's continuous exploration and experiences, fueled by his travels and a steadfast commitment to envisaging a better world, inform his evolving artistic expression. His latest series, "The Shadowed People," encapsulates years of work and research, presenting increasingly poetic and poignant works that offer a glimpse into the artist's soul with each passing day.